No (They have not fallen, but their movements are unstable)
What kind of movement
of yourelderly family member
is unstable?
→ Lying down / Getting up
→Standing up
→Sitting (sitting down)
→Turning, Change direction (including Transferring)
→Flat place
【Related Vodeo】
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video ↓
↑ If there is a weak part of the body, it
cannot be physically supported. It is
easy to fall in the direction of the part
where the support is weak.
↑ Being unable to support the heavy
upper body → getting femur fracture
is a common pattern,
but if you build muscles around the
buttock, it is more likely that it will be
protected as a “natural cushion”.
↑ You can't keep an eye on an elderly
family living together 24 hours a day.
There is a device to prevent "falling
during the time when you are looking
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